Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I finally did it!

It’s been exactly a week since I bid farewell to my trusted Liana.

As I handed the key to Mr Lee of Sportsway car dealer, my heart could not help but sank a little, and tears welled up a little inside me, as my mind was filled with images of the spunky little lean racer being sent to the scrap factory.

It has been said that in pursuit of our dreams, we sometimes have to give up something we treasured in order to chase for other things we truly want in life.

In pursuit of a passion, the first big step I’ve chosen was to give up a 10-year sales career. Giving up the car is the next big step for me. Guess that’s a sacrifice that I have to accept. We can’t always have our cake and eat it too, can we?

By now, if you still think the number in the title refers to the new Royston Tan movie, it’s time to kick yourself in the ass!

52204 km, covered over 4 years of companionship, ferrying me nearer to places I desire and to faces I treasure. No complaints, no flaring of tempers. Lean Machine Liana is much more dependable than its friendly rivals from the continental regions, if you ask me, haha.

This buddy was a warm comfort blanket during thunderstorms on the roads, and a cool cocoon in the summer heat of the garden city. (Friends who have taken a ride swear by its all- powerful air conditioning!)

Since June 2004, it has brought me joy beyond the shores of the island, across the causeway, for whirlwind rides and gregarious games of golf. More recently, it brought me to one far end of Tuas for an unusual photo shoot.

I guess it’s apt for me to now renew my acquaintance with an old pal whose friendship was formed since the primary school days: the good ol’ SBS.

I have given up a very reliable buddy.

With it, I’ve also given up a lifestyle of convenience. One of time-saving mobility. One that I almost took for granted.

And of course, not forgetting the rare whimsical number plate that’s been escorting me for 13 years. (Punters, are you reading this? Here’re some more numbers for you: 1706, 1355)

Many friends expressed mock surprise that I could cut the apron strings just like that. Some actually bet their bottom dollar that I could not do it, knowing how reliant I have become on this mode of transportation (how evil).

Truth be told, it wasn’t “just like that”! It’s been occupying a prominent position on my To-Do List for the past 6 months (talk about procrastination, haha).

A friend once commented that with the car, we are using money to buy time. With the car gone, looks like I'll be losing some time but saving some money. From now on, I have to now take to putting my best foot forward, literally.

Well, after all’s been said and done, I can now proudly place a big tick in the list, next to a very momentous item, which says “Sell Car”.

As I move forward in the next chapter of life, let me express my thanks to Buddy Liana for all the safe and comfortable rides it has provided me, my family and my friends.

Good-bye to my Life In A New Age.

Good-bye my LIANA.

I miss you already.


Edwin said...


Anonymous said...

In life, u lose some, u gain some. These are trade-off that we have to learn to accept it.

Nevertheless, Car is nothing but liability. It don't generate returns (not even time nowadays due to traffic jam).

For convenience sake, maybe a reluctant yes.....

Cheer up boy!

Anonymous said...

I admire your courage :0
Believe you are enjoying life and is a happier person now.

take care my friend


Donut said...

Hi 大哥

Dear Anonymous
Thanks for your comments. Life is all about trade-offs, ain't it? From the comments, I think I already know who you are.. You live in the east ;)

Hello Mich
Thanks for dropping by. Trust that you're happier person at Toa Payoh as well.